Bem vindas (os)!!
For visitors from another country, this Blog was created to indicate a change in habits, because here in Brazil women weekly draw cuticles with pliers specially created for this purpose. As this is not a very healthy habit, here teaching a new concept of care cuticles without removing them, just moisturizing daily. With posts pictures almost daily teaching simple way to hydrate and have beautiful nails without raising those skins, leaving nails so ugly.
Hi , glad you came to visit me ! On April 27, 2011 everything began and I use this space to share the happy experience of having stopped by chance to cut the cuticles and have had such positive results ! Nails stronger , healthier and , contrary to what you think, much more beautiful ! I do not intend to make anyone change their habit , just want to share the results I got . After all , this practice for years , had left my thick cuticles and instead were getting pretty ugly . Maybe that's not what 's happening to you too? For when we are teenagers is just a very thin skin around the nail actually present there to protect them , that due to the culture of our country is very early withdrawal . When this occurs , the body to protect itself will form a skin becoming thicker , as if they were true calluses , we continue cutting , weekly fissurando a region that lives in a constant effort of recovery, a fact that goes unnoticed by most, even to very little time for me too . After all , doing nails in Brazil , taking the most of the cuticles , is a rule among the vain ( the ), giving up a certain " status beauty " who practice ! But , to my happiness , I discovered that it is possible to reverse this situation , only stopping to cut and super moisturizing ! Comprovo it with the photos posted , and my friends who have stopped this habit and , like me, proud display photos of beautiful and healthy nails ! : o) Whether , like me, spend no more cutting the cuticles ? Then just follow the daily ritual of hydration , step by step , in the posts of this blog , you just type " step by step " into the "Search this Blog " which is just below the left side . If you want to share with me the results just shoot and send me , I'll be glad to make a special post for each one, which I doubt not, display hands , nails and cuticles gorgeous ! Until the next post and disseminate this idea of beauty and health, through ! Kisses !
quinta-feira, 28 de abril de 2011
Carimbos e esmaltes para as unhas da Konad
Olá, meninas (os)! Estou feliz pela oportunidade de poder compartilhar alguns momentos com vocês! Apenas começando neste universo "blogueiro", ainda aprendendo, mas já gostando bastante! Como estão me perguntando muito sobre os desenhos que aparecem nas unhas da fotinho, resolvi fazer uma postagem sobre eles. Tratam-se de plaquinhas especiais pra carimbos de unhas da Konad, importados dos EUA/Califórnia, bastante usados por lá, inclusive por algumas celebridades, mas ainda pouco divulgados aqui no Brasil. São lindos, né? Agora terei oportunidade de ir mostrando novos modelos a cada semana, espero que gostem! Observem outro detalhe na foto - já perdi as contas de quantos dias estou sem retirar as cutículas e não estão perfeitas? Ou seja, #cortarcutículasnuncamais#!! Estou livreee!! hehehe
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Nossaaa como esta lindo o seu blog Dih!!! Arrazou heim!!!! estou sempre Antenada no seu blog mulher!! BJUSS
ResponderExcluirmuitoo legal o carimbo! tbm quero uhsuahusahusa.. vi um na karol um dia mto fofo! e o blog fico muuito legal, adorei!
ResponderExcluirAMeeeei o desenho e esse esmalte Tiiiaa!!!
ResponderExcluirmuito liiiindo
Obrigada meninas pela visita! Fico feliz em saber que gostaram, já que é um blog neném, ainda em construção. Por isso podem aguardar que virei com novidades! Continuarei postando sobre os desenhos das unhas, me acompanhem sempre. Bjoos. :o)
ResponderExcluirlinduuu! O blog, as unhas, tudo está lindo como a dona! Parabéns chefinha! eheheh
ResponderExcluirMinhas fofas!! Bjo enorme, amoo... :o)